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Typologies & Motivations


  • A primary travel motivator (Special Interest) - The film site is an attraction in its own right and is strong enough to motivate visitation. 


  • As part of a holiday - When tourists visit the film location or off-location site such as a constructed attraction as an activity within a larger holiday.  


  • Film tourism pilgrimage - Visiting the film site to pay homage or even re-enact a scene.


  • Nostalgic film tourism - Visiting film locations which represent another time.


  • Romantic gaze - Tourists like to gaze on places reinforced by the films in solitude, to establish a semi-spiritual relationship with the location.


  • Escapism - Visiting film locations might elevate tourists beyond the ordinary reality of everyday life.


Adapted from (Busby & Klug, 2001; Beeton, 2005, p.10).


The issue with identifying a film induced tourist motivation is that no one theory can enclose all individual travel motivations (Parinello, 1996 as cited in (Hellemans, 2013). 


Added to this, the heterogeneous nature of tourism behaviour and the belief that multiple motivations can be experienced at the same time makes identifying only one very difficult (Pearce, 1993, as cited in Hellemans, 2013). 


According to Macionis (2004), film induced tourists can be divided into three groups:


1). The general tourist – These are tourists that might know a little bit about movies that have been filmed in certain locations but do not engage with it and show no interest in visiting.


2). Incidental film tourist – Those that don’t intend on visiting a film location but come across one during their holiday and decide to divert.


3). Dedicated film tourist – These travel to the destination specifically to visit the exact locations shown on screen or the film set.

“DISCLAIMER: This entire website including all linked pages has been submitted as partial fulfilment for the degree of BA(Hons) in International Tourism Management at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), Preston, UK. Specifically, this website has been submitted to module code TL2123 as an assessed undergraduate project within the Division of Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management. This website is not related to any specific organisation/product/service but is meant to demonstrate my understanding of Movie Tourism. No intention is made to any specific organisation, product, service and/or person. Any similarity to real-world organisations, including branding, images, and/or product and services are purely coincidental. Copyright of images remains with the original copyright owner”. ​

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